About Philip
Philip has been operating in the geographical area covered by Eddisons incorporating Budworth Hardcastle since 1984. Over that period he has gained a vast reservoir of knowledge in relation to Northamptonshire and Peterborough, where he was based for six years of his career.
Philip deals with the promotion of development land as part and parcel of his primary specialisation in development consultancy. In addition to involvement in residential land deals, he has also brought forward a number of retail parks in the sub region and more recently has been involved in a significant number of employment parks linked to the major urban growth witnessed across north Northamptonshire and into north Cambridgeshire.
Outside of the office, he has a keen interest in rugby, football and cricket, but foolishly finds himself held captive by a two-acre wilderness which he continues to insist is in fact his garden.
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View All Offices6 Riley Road, Kettering, Northants, NN16 8NN