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Eddisons maintains ISO 9001:2015 and 14001:2015 Certifications



Eddisons maintains ISO 9001:2015 and 14001:2015 Certifications

We're happy to announce our latest achievement of retaining our ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 certifications. 

These qualifications further support our mission to ensure the highest levels of quality and compliance in commercial property.

The standard ISO 9001:2015 certification is awarded to businesses who can prove that they are a trustworthy organisation that applies continuous improvement to its habits, practices, and strategies.

Furthermore, ISO 14001:2015 is a measurement of the dedication that a company has to a sustainable future, showing that their actions and approaches are in line with creating a more environmentally conscious world.

Hand in hand, these ISO certifications show that Eddisons is a leading force in not only improving the quality of our business practices but also the sustainability of those practices too.


Director Charlotte Peel, who led Eddisons through this lengthy and complex process explains: “it’s not easy to gain the certification, but it is important to show our clients, peers, and staff what we stand for. Furthermore, it’s even more important to retain it each assessment period comes along.

“Keeping ourselves compliant and holding ourselves accountable helps us to provide the best quality service for our clients, which is paramount to us at Eddisons.”

The process includes understanding operational risk, proving that we know how to mitigate incidents that can occur, and understanding the process of maintaining consistency and compliance during all eventualities of business.

Eddisons is a company that has seen many different trends and innovations but one thing we have- and will always have- is a respect for quality and our future.

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