Immanuel College block concept design with stairs

Immanuel College gains funding with Eddisons



Eddisons is delighted to have assisted Immanuel College in a successful bid to the Post 16 Capacity Fund.

As part of the Bradford Diocesan Academies, the College is one of just 42 institutions across the country to secure this award to improve their higher education offering with the Fund.

We were proud to be chosen to assist Immanuel College in applying for and using this money to create a dedicated sixth form block, as well as supporting the whole sixth form provision at the College.

Eddisons was chosen to act as ‘trusted technical advisors’ to the College once they were invited to apply for funding as an eligible institution.



A conceptual design of the newly-created sixth form block for Immanuel College
Conceptual designs from Eddisons' qualified team show what Immanuel College's dedicated Sixth Form block will look like. 



What are the objectives of the Post 16 Capacity Fund?

  • To create additional capacity in 16-19 school providers where a demographic increase in learners is predicted.
  • To ensure that the college’s provision meets the needs of the local and national skills requirements as well as the actual learner demand.
  • To deliver the project in the most efficient and sustainable way: to ensure value for money in the investment of public funds as well as support the Government in achieving their Net Zero goals by 2050.

Where did Eddisons come in?

Immanuel College and Bradford Diocesan Academies Trust selected Eddisons to provide advice on the College’s existing capacity, conduct feasibility studies and create concept designs, designed to fulfil the need for additional space. We then assisted with pre-planning and wrote the Post 16 Capacity Fund application on behalf of the Trust.

On top of this preliminary work, we have been appointed as Contract Administrator, Principal Designer and Architect/Designer for the duration of the works. We anticipate that the delivery of this ambitious project will allow for occupancy in late 2024.

Both Immanuel College and Eddisons are delighted with this funding, and look forward to advancing their teaching and learning environment for many years to come.

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