Our client, The States of Guernsey, had accumulated a range of surplus contractors’ plant and commercial vehicles for disposal.
Traditionally our client had advertised these assets locally and sold by tender to buyers on Guernsey, for prices significantly below those achieved on the mainland, primarily because of perceived high costs of transport to and from the island.
We recommended to The States to offer the surplus equipment for sale by Online Auction on a global basis, as we were convinced that the return to our client would be significantly enhanced.
We catalogued and photographed the assets for sale and rolled out a multi-faceted marketing campaign including trade magazines, direct mailing, email broadcast, digital marketing using pay per click and promotion via social media. We also ran a local angle so local people could also participate.
The result exceeded our expectations with over 150 potential buyers registering to bid and a total realisation double the amount expected using the original route to market. If you want to learn more about how we can help you, get in touch.